About Me

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Hi! I am graduating this Spring with as AAS in Business Administration. I am so excited! I am hard worker and I look forward to continuing my education by going to Troy University. I also want to live on the beach one day!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Respect is so important in every aspect of our lives. We have to have respect for others and our self to have healthy relationships and to have and maintain a good job.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


A person's character is very important! To me it defines who you are and what kind of person you are. Having good character means that you are honest and do what you are supposed to do. A person who steals, lies, and cheats has bad character and can be a huge risk for those around them. A person's character is non-negotiable because it is who the person is and what they believe to be right and wrong.
It is proven that the character of the people who work at an establishment affect the profit of the establishment. This is why employers look for people with good character and work ethics. The people that they hire could cost them more money and hurt the company due to doing unethical things.

Monday, March 17, 2014


Teamwork makes everything easier!!! Our jobs are even easier when we get along with others and come together as a TEAM to accomplish one common goal. This makes everyone happier and productivity is a lot higher. That makes the boss very happy!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Communication is very important in the workplace and every where else. If we do not communicate with each other, we will not know what is going on and there will be more mistakes.
Communication is not just talking. Communication is talking to one another so that both of you know what the other is talking about and the message that they are sending. Then you must be able to communicate with them in a productive way.