About Me

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Hi! I am graduating this Spring with as AAS in Business Administration. I am so excited! I am hard worker and I look forward to continuing my education by going to Troy University. I also want to live on the beach one day!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Leadership and Cooperation

Cooperation in very important in the workplace and it is vital to effective leadership. The employees and the managers have to cooperate with each other to achieve the goal of the business. In order to have leadership, there has to be followers that listen and cooperate with the leader to accomplish a common goal.
The way that a manager talks to and treats their employees decides whether the employees will be cooperative and productive. People want a leader and need one, but the qualities the leader possesses need to be strong, positive and consistent.
I think that work and life in general is a lot easier if we have a good attitude and cooperate with the people we work with. Stress from a bad work environment can cause anyone to be unhappy and not want to go to work or be productive while they are there. It is better to get along and help each other.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Self Esteem

A person's self esteem has a lot to do with the person's work ethics. The way people carry them self and their attitude at work is directly related to how they feel about them self. If someone feels bad about them self, they will not smile a lot or be very sociable.
This is a perfect example that what we say really does matter to others. We could say something that makes someone feel good or we could say something that deeply hurts someone.
We should all strive to be better people in what ever ways we need to improve. I know that this is one area that I need to improve in. I am striving every day to watch my words and my tone.