About Me

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Hi! I am graduating this Spring with as AAS in Business Administration. I am so excited! I am hard worker and I look forward to continuing my education by going to Troy University. I also want to live on the beach one day!

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Organization is important because it is necessary to have things work smoothly in a business or a home. Having poor organizational skills makes a person look like they do not care and are not motivated. I need to use my time more wisely so that I can get the papers filed in the office. I have been putting it off and it has piled up on me.
It is very important to say no when you are asked to do something that will interfere with your school work. If you know that you need help in order to achieve your goals, then you should ask for help. Prioritize! Do the work that is due first, first. You also need to do the most important things first. You should set time tables for yourseld so that you get your work done on time and still do the other things that you need to do in a timely manner. Enjoy some free time without worrying about work, but do not waist time, spend it wisely.

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